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HCTV Studio                                                                                               June 16, 2011
800 Main Street                                                                                         7:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chris Hugo, Hank Ouellette,
                        Patt Popple, Larry Popple
ALSO PRESENT:   Johnny Suire, Public Access Director

  • Minutes of Meeting of April 11, 2011 were reviewed, corrected and accepted.
  • Cable Budget:  The FY 2012 budget was passed at the Annual Town Meeting in May.  The current budget is at or below budgeted figures in all expense categories.
  • Director’s Notes:   
  • Johnny is arranging for the carpet in the reconstructed area of the control room to be replaced.
  • The satellite dish needs repairs and Johnny is having problems finding a suitable repair service.
  • The additional part time position approved in the FY2012 budget has been posted.  )It is hoped one of the part time positions can be made full time in the FY2013 budget.)
  • In Production:
  • “On the Mark” with Mark Ferguson, a program about politics in Holden
  • “On the Road”
  • “Annual Golf Scramble
  • Chamber of Commerce Salute Breakfast
  • Forgework Farms
  • “To Your Good Life”
  • Dave Latina and Adriana Shays have finished their spring internships
  • Equipment:
  • Johnny demonstrated some recently acquired equipment including an ultra small HD Cam (less than 2”x2”x3”) and a portable, very thin LED light panel for field shoots.
  • In July Johnny plans to acquire Broadcast Pix video production system for the studio.

Respectfully submitted,            
 Larry Popple